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Does Ozempic Make You Tired?

woman yawning while wearing a bathrobe

More than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, which makes weight loss an ever-present concern. Yet many of us have struggled with shedding pounds by diet and physical activity alone.

Thankfully, new medical innovations are making it easier than ever to lose weight—and keep it off! And one of the latest methods to make the headlines is Ozempic®.

You may be intrigued by the concept of getting a weekly injection, but you may also be equally concerned about the side effects of this drug. Namely, can Ozempic make you tired?

If you’re too busy to even consider slowing down, this potential side effect may have you worried. We’re here to pull back the curtain on Ozempic and let you know what you can expect.


What Is Ozempic?

Strictly speaking, the Ozempic name refers to a medication that is FDA-approved to treat type 2 diabetes. The active ingredient, semaglutide, is also approved for weight loss under a series of other brand names, such as Wegovy® and Rybelsus®.

As a diabetes medication, Ozempic stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin, which lowers blood glucose levels. As a weight loss drug, it has been proven to reduce cravings and cause people to feel fuller longer.

For this article, we will be using the more familiar term Ozempic, but the information applies equally to any medication containing semaglutide.

woman yawning while wearing pajamas and sleep mask

Does Ozempic Make You Tired?

In clinical trials, fatigue was listed as a common side effect for Ozempic, but real-life data suggests that fatigue is rare.

If you feel tired after starting semaglutide, this might be because of the drug’s effect on your blood sugar levels. However, as your body adjusts, you can expect your energy levels to return to normal.

The truth is that, while Ozempic can make you tired, these effects are usually short-lived and mild enough to continue taking the medication. If you experience fatigue that interferes with your daily activities, speak to the practitioners at your weight loss clinic.


Fighting Ozempic Fatigue

There’s a very good chance that you began your weight loss journey to boost your energy levels, not take more naps! So how can you avoid this inconvenient side effect?

First, make sure you receive your semaglutide injections from a licensed practitioner. Weight loss affects the entire body, so it’s important that your practitioner monitor your kidney, liver, thyroid, and heart function throughout the process to make sure you are healthy.

Good nutrition will go a long way toward combating fatigue as well as other negative side effects. Plus, it sets the stage for a lifetime of good eating habits!

Second, Ozempic should be started gradually, to lessen the chance and severity of any side effects you may have. This gives your body a chance to adjust to the medication and respond appropriately.

If you do experience fatigue while taking Ozempic, talk to your clinic. In addition to testing your hormone levels, they may be able to administer vitamins, amino acids, and B12 injections to increase energy.

woman holding out the waist band of large pants to indicate weight loss

Ozempic Benefits

If you’ve been struggling with your weight long-term, semaglutide can be a lifesaver at quieting the “food noise” and allowing you to be satisfied with healthy, nutrient-dense foods. However, there are a few other unexpected benefits of taking semaglutide.

In addition to curbing your cravings for food, Ozempic may also dampen the drive to consume alcohol. This is good news if you can’t seem to say no to that nightly glass of wine!

And because it helps you maintain a healthy weight, semaglutide injections can also lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce your risk of developing certain health conditions, and improve sleep quality.


Feel Like Yourself Again

At The Ageless Center, we understand how difficult it can be to shed the extra weight through diet and exercise alone. In fact, some of our staff members started out as patients!

Our experience is the reason why we believe so strongly in the powerful effects that weight loss can have on your life.

Throughout your journey, we will be there to provide guidance and support so that side effects are kept to a minimum and you are empowered to reach your goals.